Go the Law n. 2331 concerned with the organisation of Intelligence Services of Ukraine (english text)
Introduzione e brevi cenni storici
In seguito alla dichiarazione di indipendenza dall'Unione Sovietica, all'inizio degli anni novanta l'Ucraina ha avvertito il bisogno di riformare il sistema di sicurezza nazionale. Pertanto il Parlamento (Verkhovna Rada), nel settembre 1991, ha deliberato lo scioglimento del Comitato di Sicurezza dello Stato della Repubblica Socialista Sovietica dell'Ucraina (l'ucraino KGB), adottando contestualmente un provvedimento istitutivo del Security Service (Sluzhba Bespeky Ukrayiny, SBU). Nel più breve tempo possibile, è stato dunque necessario risolvere molti problemi relativi alla formazione dei nuovi dipartimenti con funzionari addestrati professionalmente e impegnati nella costruzione dell'Ucraina indipendente, creando nel contempo un adeguato quadro legislativo. Il 25 marzo 1992 il Parlamento dell'Ucraina ha approvato la legge sul Security Service dell'Ucraina, una prova significativa del nuovo corso del paese nella costruzione di uno Stato democratico e di diritto. A differenza dei loro predecessori, i funzionari del nuovo security Service dell'ex repubblica sovietica hanno avuto l'opportunità di operare su una base legale esplicita, composta non solo dalla già richiamata legge sul Servizio, ma anche su altre disposizioni di pari livello riguardanti le attività investigative, i segreti di Stato, la lotta al crimine organizzato e alla corruzione.
I compiti e le attività dello Sluzhba Bespeky Ukrayiny - SBU
Attualmente lo SBU è in grado, dunque, di portare avanti tutti i compiti previsti dalla richiamata legge del 1992, che saranno di seguito meglio specificati. A tale scopo, una speciale attenzione è riservata agli obiettivi più importanti e alle principali priorità, di pertinenza del servizio segreto e che non possono essere risolte da alcuno eccetto lo SBU.
Tali compiti includono la protezione della sovranità dello Stato, del sistema costituzionale, dell'integrità territoriale, delle capacità economiche, scientifiche e tecniche dell'Ucraina, dei diritti dei cittadini rispetto ad attività di spionaggio di organismi di intelligence stranieri, così come qualunque altra violazione da parte di organizzazioni, gruppi o individui singoli.
La missione del Servizio è anche volta a prevenire qualsivoglia crimine contro la pace e la sicurezza mondiale, nonché finalizzata al contrasto del terrorismo, della corruzione e del crimine organizzato, nel campo dell'amministrazione e dell'economia, e in relazione a qualunque altro atto illegale che possa mettere in pericolo gli interessi vitali del Paese.
L'intelligence e il controspionaggio sono le funzioni più importanti dello SBU. Le nuove politiche in questo campo, anche in relazione ai grandi cambiamenti dello scenario mondiale, hanno determinato rilevanti cambiamenti nell'attività del Servizio. In particolare, l'abbandono dell'idea di totalitarismo nella ricerca di controspionaggio ha portato il Servizio ad adottare politiche differenziate per organizzare adeguate contromisure contro i Servizi di intelligence ostili. Nel nuovo periodo storico, in altre parole, lo SBU regola tale attività sulla base dei principi della legislazione vigente e, in particolare, sul rispetto dei diritti civili e delle libertà.
Una delle principali priorità dell'attività operativa, come sopra riferito, è rappresentata dalla lotta al terrorismo. Sebbene in Ucraina non si siano verificati fatti particolarmente gravi di natura terroristica, sono state adottate comunque misure di prevenzione e protezione che hanno consentito, recentemente, di scoprire azioni terroristiche in preparazione, con l'ausilio di altri organismi di polizia.
Inoltre, lo SBU si è occupato di varie minacce relative ad azioni violente e sequestri contro politici, rappresentanti di autorità pubbliche a diversi livelli, leader di partiti e di organizzazioni civili dell'Ucraina. In relazione alla serietà di tale minaccia, sono state adottate numerose leggi con l'obiettivo di un'efficace lotta al terrorismo.
Speciali unità del Servizio sono responsabili della lotta alla corruzione e al crimine organizzato, sia a livello interregionale che transnazionale. In tale contesto, è stata attivata una linea operativa per combattere il traffico di droga.
Al fine di portare a compimento le proprie operazioni lo SBU intrattiene stretti contatti con i Servizi di intelligence e le forze di polizia di oltre cinquanta paesi, nonché con l'Interpol.
La struttura organizzativa
La struttura dello SBU è articolata in una direzione centrale e in uffici territoriali. Essa è determinata dal Presidente dell'Ucraina. Attraverso il coordinamento e il controllo delle attività di tutte le articolazioni dello SBU, la Direzione centrale è responsabile della sicurezza nazionale.
Il Direttore del Servizio è personalmente responsabile dell'intera attività del Servizio, della direzione delle operazioni e del raggiungimento degli obiettivi istituzionali. è nominato dal Parlamento su proposta del Presidente dell'Ucraina. Per assicurare al capo del Servizio un'adeguata collaborazione, il Presidente dell'Ucraina nomina altresì, su proposta del Direttore, due primi vice direttori e cinque vice direttori.
La Direzione Centrale dello SBU è costituita da diversi dipartimenti e direzioni, tra i quali: supporto informativo e direzione delle operazioni, controspionaggio, controspionaggio economico, lotta al terrorismo, telecomunicazioni, analisi e previsioni, lotta alla corruzione e al crimine organizzato, segreti di Stato, affari giuridici.
Pubbliche relazioni
Uno degli aspetti qualificanti dell'attività del Servizio è l'informazione costante dell'opinione pubblica sui vari aspetti della sua attività anche attraverso relazioni sui risultati delle operazioni pubblicizzate mediante i mass media. Tale policy è considerata essenziale. Molte persone hanno contatti con il Servizio che dispone anche di una struttura per il ricevimento del pubblico. Inoltre, è operativo fin dal 1992 un centro stampa con il compito di fornire ai mass media materiale sulle operazioni concluse, organizzare conferenze stampa dei dirigenti del Servizio e fornire informazioni relativamente a notizie o inchieste giornalistiche sul lavoro del servizio segreto.
Varie iniziative sono organizzate allo scopo di incoraggiare i giornalisti a fornire notizie obiettive sull'attività del Servizio, tra le quali un premio giornalistico conferito annualmente il giorno dell'approvazione della legge istitutiva.
In data 22 marzo 2001 è stata emanata dal Presidente della Repubblica ucraina una nuova legge sui servizi di intelligence. Essa è articolata in più parti. La prima contiene i principi generali dell'attività di intelligence, nonché indicazione degli obiettivi, dei metodi e dei mezzi delle agenzie. La parte seconda definisce l'organizzazione e l'attività di queste, compresi i mezzi investigativi per assicurare il raggiungimento degli obiettivi. La parte terza si occupa dello status legale del personale e di coloro che collaborano con il servizio su base confidenziale. L'ultima parte è dedicata al tema del controllo sull'attività delle agenzie.
General provisions
Article 1
General terms
The meaning of the terms used in this law is the following:
intelligence activity - stands for activity performed by special agencies of the state authorities and targeted at protection of Ukraine's national interests against external threats, promotion of drafting and implementing state policy in the field of national security and defence;
intelligence information - stands for received information about real and potential opportunities, plans, intentions and actions of foreign countries, organizations and individuals which pose a threat to Ukraine's national interests as well as about events and circumstances regarding national security and defence issues;
intelligence agencies of Ukraine - comprise special subunits of the central executive bodies, which conduct intelligence activity protecting Ukraine's national interests against external threats.
Article 2
Legal foundation to intelligence activities
The legal foundation behind the activities performed by the intelligence agencies of Ukraine is regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine, this and other laws of Ukraine, as well as other legislative acts adopted in accordance with these documents.
Article 3
Principles of intelligence activities
The intelligence agencies shall adhere to the following principles:
respect and protection of human rights and liberties;
combination of open and covert methods and means within the limits regulated by the current legislation;
distribution of activity spheres among intelligence agencies, their cooperation and coordination of operations;
independence and promptness in providing intelligence information;
non-affiliation with political parties;
entitlement to be controlled and supervised by corresponding state bodies within the respective legislation.
Intelligence activities are not to be used to perform tasks which are not outlined hereby.
Article 4
Intelligence agencies' main tasks
The intelligence agencies of Ukraine have the following tasks:
gather, analyse and present intelligence information to bodies of state authorities, which are outlined in the law;
contribute their special measures to implement Ukraine's state policy in economic, political, military, army-technical, ecological and information spheres, strengthen defence, economic and scientific-technical development;
provide secure functioning of Ukraine's institutions abroad, safety for staff and their families residing in these institutions abroad, as well as Ukrainian citizens possessing state secrets who were sent on trips abroad;
participate in the fight against international organized crime, including terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal arms trade and technologies for arms production, and illegal migration.
Article 5
Methods and means used in the intelligence activity
In order to perform their tasks in gathering intelligence information and protecting the safety of their members of staff, the intelligence agencies of Ukraine, in addition to specifics provided hereby, employ methods and means of operational and search activity in accordance with the procedure as provided in the law "On operational and search activity".
Methods and means used in the intelligence activity shall not pose any harm to the life, health, honour and dignity of people.
Information regarding the private life, honour and dignity of citizens which became known to intelligence agencies during their work shall not be disclosed, except for the cases regulated by legislation.
A procedure to keep information obtained in the process of intelligence activity is defined by corresponding legislative acts.
Intelligence agencies of ukraine, organization
of their activity and logistics
Article 6
Intelligence agencies of Ukraine.
Following Ukraine's national interests, safeguarding its sovereignty, territorial integrity and national interests from external threats within legally defined powers, intelligence activities shall be performed by the following agencies:
Security Service of Ukraine - in order to protect the state interests in political, economic, army-technical, scientific-technological, ecological and information spheres;
Defence Ministry of Ukraine - in order to recognize a military threat, safeguard the country's defence and interests in military, military-political, military-technical, military-economic, information and ecological spheres;
specially authorized agency of executive power for protection of Ukrainian state borders - in order to safeguard the country's interests in border and immigration policy, as well as in other spheres regarding protection of Ukraine's state borders and its sovereign rights within exclusive (sea) economic zone and continental shelf.
According to the constitution, the president of Ukraine shall address the issues of creation, reorganization and liquidation of intelligence agencies.
Any intelligence activities trying to receive information in the national defence and security spheres performed by other state agencies, enterprises, institutions and various legal entities, which are not provided hereby, as well as by individuals, are prohibited.
Intelligence agencies of Ukraine are registered as legal entities, having their own real and conventional names, corresponding emblems, stamps and seals, seals depicting Ukraine's state coat of arms and their names, and accounts, including currency accounts in banks or any other financial institutions.
Article 7
Supervision over the intelligence agencies of Ukraine
and coordination of their activities
The president of Ukraine shall perform a general supervision over intelligence agencies in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and this law.
Heads of central bodies of executive power, to which intelligence agencies belong, perform supervision over these agencies, as provided in the legislation on corresponding agencies and approved by the president of Ukraine, and create appropriate conditions for their operations.
The direct supervision of the intelligence agencies shall be performed by their heads who are to be appointed and dismissed by the Ukrainian president on recommendation of the heads of relevant organs of the executive power.
The Ukrainian president shall coordinate the activities of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies through the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council which he chairs and which operates in accordance with the law of Ukraine "On the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council".
The procedures for coordination of the activities of the intelligence agencies of Ukraine during a special period shall be defined by the Ukrainian president.
Article 8
The Ukrainian intelligence agencies' non-affiliation with parties.
The use of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies by anyone in the interest of a political party is prohibited. The activities of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies may not be used in order to limit the citizens' rights and freedoms or with the purpose of violent change of the constitutional order, removal of the organs of state power or obstructing their work.
The creation and activities of organizational structures of political parties and other public organizations having political goals is prohibited within the Ukrainian intelligence agencies. The membership and participation of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies' employees in the political parties and their activities as well as in other public
organizations having political goals is not allowed.
Membership of trade unions is permitted as an exception to employees who are on work contracts with the Ukrainian intelligence agencies.
Article 9
The rights of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies
In order to carry out the tasks defined by this law, the Ukrainian intelligence agencies have the following rights:
to establish confidential cooperation with capable people who came of age and who voluntarily agreed to cooperate;
to receive intelligence information from all organs of the state power, enterprises, organizations and agencies, including banks and regardless of the form of ownership; this also includes information from automated information systems, data bases and so on in accordance with the procedures established by law;
to use services, including paid services, of experts and consultants from among the specialists of other organs of state power, enterprises, agencies and organizations of all forms of ownership;
to use, on the basis of agreement, official premises, transport and other property of enterprises, agencies and organizations regardless of the form of ownership, as well as upon agreement of private individuals, the houses and other premises, transport and other property they own;
to open bank accounts denominated in the national or foreign currency at banks and other financial institutions in accordance with the procedures established by law;
to use documents that keep secret the affiliation of employees and detachments, organizations, premises and transportation means with the Ukrainian intelligence agencies;
to create, with the purpose of security, organization structures (detachments, agencies and organizations) that are necessary for carrying out the tasks of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies and covering their employees;
to order scientific research, design and other work in the sphere of development and production of special means that are necessary for carrying out intelligence activities, to create and use technical means of intelligence;
to create, in accordance with the procedures established by law, relevant institutions of learning and scientific research, archives and to operate in the publishing sphere;
to organize and ensure, within the framework of their competence, the protection of the state secrets at Ukraine's institutions abroad, including measures to prevent leaks of state secret information from technical channels;
to perform technical protection of the premises and sites of the intelligence agencies;
to ensure security of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies' activities and protect its forces, means and information from illegal actions and threats.
Article 10
Provision of intelligence information
The information obtained and analysed by the Ukrainian intelligence agencies is provided for the Ukrainian president, the chairman of the Supreme Council and the Ukrainian prime minister in accordance with the procedures established by the regulations on an intelligence agency and in compliance with the requirements of the law of Ukraine "On state secret", "On information", "On protection of information in automated systems" and others.
Article 11
Cooperation of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies among themselves,
with the Ukrainian law-enforcement agencies and
with special services of foreign states
The procedures for the cooperation of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies among themselves and with the Ukrainian law-enforcement agencies are defined by laws and other legal acts that are approved in compliance with the laws.
On the president's permission and within the limits he establishes, the Ukrainian intelligence agencies may get in touch and stay in contact with special services of foreign states, including cases based on bilateral or multilateral agreements in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.
Official representative offices of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies may be created abroad in case of long-term cooperation on conditions established by international agreements which are ratified by the Supreme Council of Ukraine.
Article 12
Cooperation of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies with
the organs of state power, enterprises, agencies and organizations of Ukraine.
The Ukrainian intelligence agencies cooperate with the organs of state power of Ukraine in accordance with the procedures established by laws and other legal acts.
In accordance with the procedures established by law, the organs of state power, enterprises, agencies and organizations of Ukraine help the Ukrainian intelligence agencies in carrying out the tasks defined for them by this law.
The list of organs of the executive power that may be involved in implementing programmes of intelligence activities or measures that are to be taken by intelligence agencies shall be defined by the president of Ukraine.
Article 13
Informing the public on the activities of the
Ukrainian intelligence agencies
The Ukrainian intelligence agencies shall inform the Ukrainian public on their activities in accordance with the established procedures through communication with public associations, mass media and citizens through relevant structural departments and their officials.
The material on the activities of the Ukrainian intelligence agencies that is provided to the mass media may not contain state secrets.
Publication of information on Ukraine's intelligence agencies and their activities shall comply with the law of Ukraine "On state secret".
Article 14
Protection of information about intelligence agencies of Ukraine
Information about the personnel involved in intelligence activities, the means, contents, plans, organization, financing and logistics, forms, methods and results of intelligence activities, as well as individuals who are cooperating or have been cooperating with intelligence agencies on a confidential basis constitute a state secret and shall be subject to protection in compliance with the law of Ukraine "On state secret".
Article 15
Financing and logistics of Ukraine's intelligence agencies
Financing and logistics of Ukraine's intelligence agencies shall be funded by a separate article for each intelligence agency in the state budget of Ukraine, as well as from other sources as defined by the legislation. Intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall be financed via the National Bank of Ukraine.
Management of budget funds for intelligence agencies, including those in hard currency, shall be the responsibility of their heads.
Intelligence bodies of Ukraine shall have the right to import weapons, special technical and other means, firearms and munitions to Ukraine for their own use, as well as to transfer and export them outside Ukraine in case of necessity in compliance with the procedure defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall be exempt from import duty and excise on equipment, facilities, property and materials intended for their own use.
Intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall have a housing fund. CHAPTER 3
Legal status and social protection of intelligence agencies
personnel and individuals cooperating with these agencies on a confidential basis
Article 16
Personnel of intelligence agencies of Ukraine
Personnel of intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall include military servicemen and members of staff of intelligence departments in the relevant central executive bodies, as well as military and other servicemen and employees who are not members of staff in these bodies.
Staff members of intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall be state servicemen. Their ranking into relevant categories of state servicemen, as well as the procedure of recruiting and dismissal, shall be defined by a provision on intelligence agency.
Military servicemen of intelligence agencies, including those who are not staff members of intelligence agencies, shall be subject to the Ukrainian legislation on military service, taking into account the specifics of tasks performed by the above military servicemen.
Servicemen and employees of intelligence bodies of Ukraine shall be subject to the Ukrainian labour legislation.
Article 17
Staff structure of intelligence bodies of Ukraine
The staff of intelligence bodies of Ukraine shall include military servicemen and servicemen who are directly involved in intelligence activities due to the positions they occupy in intelligence agencies, as well as educational and research facilities subordinated to them. The list of staff members of each intelligence agency shall be defined by the provisions of the relevant intelligence agency.
Staff members of intelligence agencies may occupy posts in the state authorities, companies and organizations of any form and ownership without disclosing their association with intelligence agencies in order to carry out their functions in compliance with this law. Officials of the above authorities, companies and organizations who in the process of work come to know about the association of these individuals with intelligence agencies shall be legally responsible for disclosing this information.
Intelligence agencies of Ukraine may have a personnel reserve consisting of experts in relevant areas.
Staff members of intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall be issued a special service identification document.
Article 18
Legal status of the personnel of intelligence agencies of Ukraine
Staff members of intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall be under the special protection of the state in the line of duty. Nobody except for the state authorities and officials defined by this law has the right to interfere with their activities in the line of duty.
In order to protect the life, health, homes and property of intelligence personnel and their close relatives (wives, husbands, parents, children, brothers and sisters) from illegal actions and dangers emanating from their activities in the line of duty, intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall adopt special measures to ensure safety and order as defined by the law of Ukraine "On state protection of court and law-enforcement workers" and other legislative acts of Ukraine. The decision on applying these measures in each individual case shall be made by the head of the relevant intelligence agency.
The status of intelligence agency worker shall not be used to achieve objectives unrelated to the line of duty.
Article 19
Application of physical force, special means and firearms
by intelligence personnel
With the sole purpose of exercising the rights defined by Paragraphs 11 and 13 Part 1 Article 9 of this law, personnel of intelligence agencies of Ukraine have the right to use force and store, carry, use and apply special means of active protection in compliance with Ukrainian legislation; military servicemen of intelligence bodies also have the right to store, carry, use and apply firearms in compliance with the law of Ukraine "On the police".
Abuse of power by an intelligence agencies worker in the process of applying force, special means or firearms will entail legal responsibility as defined by the legislation.
Article 20
Responsibility of intelligence agencies workers for
violations of the legislation
Personnel of intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall bear responsibility for administrative violations as defined by the code of Ukraine on administrative violations for individuals subject to disciplinary statutes or special disciplinary regulations.
In the event of detention or arrest of intelligence agencies staff member suspected of crime he shall be kept separately from other individuals. Detention or arrest and the subsequent search of the person and belongings of a staff member of intelligence agencies in the line of duty shall only be carried out in the presence of official representatives of his agency. The means of transportation belonging to intelligence agencies and their staff members in the line of duty shall not be subject to detention or search.
The unforeseen financial or property losses sustained by individuals or legal entities resulting from the activities of intelligence agencies workers in the line of duty shall not entail legal responsibility of these workers if they acted in compliance with the powers granted to them by the law. Such losses shall be compensated for under a legally defined procedure by the relevant intelligence agencies using state budget funds allocated for intelligence agencies or special programmes.
Article 21
Social protection of employees of intelligence agencies of
Ukraine and members of their families.
The social protection of employees of intelligence agencies of Ukraine and members of their families, as well as of civilian employees who have signed a working agreement with intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall be guaranteed by law.
Social protection measures shall be unified for employees of intelligence agencies irrespective of the employing agency.
Members of staff of intelligence agencies shall be paid a bonus for their work related to carrying out special tasks set for these agencies, whose amount shall be determined by relevant legislation acts.
In the event of the detention, arrest or conviction outside Ukraine of members of staff of intelligence agencies of Ukraine as a result of them performing the tasks entrusted to intelligence agencies of Ukraine, the state shall help release them and members of their families.
In the event of the full or partial loss of professional fitness by a member of staff of an intelligence agency of Ukraine as a result of him having been uncovered or due to any other reasons independent of that member of staff, the intelligence agency shall place the member of staff concerned in a job or shall create conditions for his professional retraining.
Property losses incurred on a member of staff of an intelligence agency of Ukraine and on members of his family as a result of performing intelligence activities shall be indemnified by the intelligence agency from the state budget of Ukraine under the procedure established by civil legislation.
The provisions stipulated in this article shall also be extended to former employees of intelligence agencies of Ukraine who need such protection as a result of their previous activities.
Servicemen who are employees of intelligence agencies of Ukraine, who, under the law, are entitled to a pension, having worked a certain number of years, but have been retained in the service shall be paid monthly bonuses whose amount shall be established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Pensions to employees of intelligence agencies of Ukraine who are servicemen, who retire and are entitled to a pension shall be calculated based on the amount of money that was paid to them on the day of retirement or shall be paid to the amount established for relevant categories of servicemen.
Article 22
Rights and obligations of individuals who confidentially
cooperate with intelligence agencies of Ukraine
Confidential cooperation of intelligence agencies of Ukraine to perform tasks specified by this law shall be established with individuals on a free or paid basis. The procedure for maintaining relations with such individuals shall be determined by regulations of relevant intelliegence agencies.
To ensure the safety of individuals who confidentially cooperate or have cooperated with intelligence agencies of Ukraine and members of their families, measures shall be taken to protect them under the procedure stipulated in this law for employees of intelligence agencies.
Article 23
Social protection of individuals who confidentially
cooperate with intelligence agencies of Ukraine
Individuals who confidentially cooperate with intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall be guaranteed that these relations are not disclosed and that such individuals are provided with social protection.
Control and supervision over activities of intelligence agencies of Ukraine
Article 24
Control of the president of Ukraine over activities of
intelligence agencies of Ukraine
Control over the activities of intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall be exercised by the president of Ukraine within constitutional powers, including through the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine headed by the president.
Intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall report to the president of Ukraine on issues and under the procedure specified by the president of Ukraine.
Article 25
Control of the Supreme Council of Ukraine over activities
of intelligence agencies of Ukraine
Control over the activities of intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall be exercised by the Supreme Council of Ukraine under the procedure established by the constitution of Ukraine.
Article 26
Procedure for exercising controlling functions by the
Audit Chamber of Ukraine
An ad-hoc group shall be set up out of members of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine to exercise control over the spending of Ukrainian state budget funds to maintain intelligence agencies of Ukraine and finance their activities.
The ad-hoc group of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine shall have the right, under the procedure established by law, to obtain from intelligence agencies of Ukraine any documents related to the spending of Ukrainian state budget funds and to hear the heads of relevant intelligence agencies of Ukraine on these issues at closed sittings.
Members of the ad-hoc group of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine shall perform their duties stipulated in this article only on condition that state-secret clearance be received under the procedure established by the law of Ukraine "On state secrets"; they shall be prohibited from disclosing methods and means of activities of intelligence agencies of Ukraine, uncovering their employees and divulging any information received.
Article 27
Prosecutor's supervision
The Prosecutor-General of Ukraine and prosecutors authorized by the Prosecutor-General of Ukraine shall supervise compliance by intelligence agencies of Ukraine with Ukarinian laws under the Ukrainian constitution and laws.
Information about individuals who confidentially cooperate or have cooperated with an intelligence agency of Ukraine, about particular individuals being memers of staff of intelligence agencies of Ukraine and about the organizational chart of intelligence agencies of Ukraine shall not be subject to prosecutor's supervision.
Final Provisions
1. This law shall take effect from the day of its publication.
2. Until laws of Ukraine and other regulations are brought in line with this law, they shall be applied in the part that does not contradict this law.
3. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, within six months from the day this law comes into effect, shall:
submit for consideration by the Supreme Council of Ukraine proposals to introduce amendments to Ukrainian laws that follow from this law;
bring its regulations in compliance with this law;
ensure that ministries and other central bodies of the executive power of Ukraine bring their regulations in compliance with this law.
President Leonid Kuchma
Kiev, 22 March 2001.
No 2331-III.